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McCain removes gay couple from 'We are Family' advert

on Sep 30, 2017 | 0 comments

By Taruka Srivastav

McCain rolls out a trimmed version of the ad 'We are Family' without the Gay couple

A month after it rolled out, McCain has decided to delete parts of its ‘We Are Family’ advert which featured a gay couple.

The ad has been trimmed to 30-seconds from the original 60-seconds to now only show a working mum and hands-on grandma.

According to the Guardian, the couple, Lee and Mat Samuels-Camozzi, faced homophobic abuse on social media after appearing in the advert.

However, a McCain spokesperson has denied that their removal from the ad was a result of the abuse.

“Our campaign is all about celebrating the diversity of family life and not everybody’s a Read full story ›

Source: The Drum