By John McCarthy Forbes has integrated an automated newsbot with messaging service Telegram as it experiments with new ways to deliver content to new audiences. The bot currently pushes two news stories to readers per day although users can converse with it to deliver further tailored content on request. With the app available across a whole host of platforms, both mobile and desktop (iOS, MacOS, Android, Linux, Windows Phone and Windows desktop) the potential for growth on the site is large – with it claiming it is snagging up 360,000 new users daily. Bruce Upbin analysed the benefit of the move for Forbes, he Read full story › Source: The Drum...
Read MoreBy Adam Flomenbaum Videology, a leading platform in the programmatic video and TV advertising space, released its “4th Quarter U.S. Video Market At-A-Glance” report. Looking at all impressions run through its platform last quarter, Videology found that there was a 114% increase year-over-year in digital video campaigns that leveraged TV audience data to target with. Advertisers understand that TV spend is still extremely important, but they also understand that they need to double down on these efforts across platforms to maximize reach and effectiveness. “As the siloes between TV and video continue to break down, advertisers are utilizing the unique attributes of each to bring Read full story › Source: The Drum...
Read MoreBy Leonie Roderick INTRO The great and the good of the marketing world were out in Barcelona, Spain this week for Mobile World Congress where tackling mobile ad blocking, the rise of virtual reality and redefining the smartphone were all high on the agenda. By Jonathan Bacon and Leonie Roderick MAIN TEXT Close to 100,000 people descended on Barcelona this week for Mobile World Congress, one of the industry’s largest trade shows. They were there to see the latest smartphones launches from the likes of Samsung, Sony and LG and new technology that could revolutionise how we communicate. For marketers it is a chance to experience future technology, Read full story › Source: Marketing Week...
Read MoreBy John McCarthy Sammy Davis Jr tops the Shazam chart for Sky Q with ‘I’ve Gotta Be Me’. The creative looks to show how Sky’s shows and movies can inject colour into the household. Next is ITV’s ‘New to 2016’ slot, featuring Ellie Goulding’s ‘Army’ followed by Renault Clio’s new ad that runs with Bo Saris’ ‘She’s On Fire’.. Ford, Fiat and Mattesons follow. Shazam Chart Position Read full story › Source: The Drum...
Read MoreBy John McCarthy Canadian popstar Justin Bieber has generated over 349 million tweets in the year following Brits Awards 2015, generating more engagement than the following eight big names on the ‘Most Tweeted’ list combined. Bieber, who boasts almost 76m followers on the platform, has been a major conversation driver in the run up to the event, driving more tweets than Rihanna, Little Mix, Adele, the Weeknd, Coldplay, James Bay, Jess Glynne and Jack Garratt. In the past year, fans of Justin Bieber and Rihanna alone have generated nearly half a billion tweets. On the platform, two awards (the British Video and British Breakthrough) are being Read full story › Source: The Drum...
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