Marketing, E-commerce and Digital Design, Product Management, Brand Development, Design, Advertising and Consultancy

Posts made in May, 2020

Coca-Cola launches film about lifting humanity during challenging times

on May 4, 2020

By Charlotte McEleny Coca-Cola has launched its message of thanks to people helping to make the world a better place during Covid-19, in celebration of International Workers’ Day. The film tells a story of two sides, presenting the negative representation of a world we’ve grown to know during the Coronavirus pandemic and juxtaposing it against messages of hope and positivity. The ad uses short video clips and images from around the world of real people that are using their humanity to overcome the difficulties, from frontline workers to people celebrating elderly relatives birthdays by socially distancing. The film is called Read full story › Source: The Drum...

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Is laughter the best medicine? Hepmil Media Group on using humour during coronavirus

on May 3, 2020

By Shawn Lim Despite cuts in marketing spend during Covid-19, there are still brands that are keen to collaborate with content creators to produce light-hearted humour and encouraging messages to spread positivity to their audiences. In Singapore, when the lockdown measures, officially known as circuit breaker, were first introduced, millennial-focused publisher Hepmil Media Group (HMG) saw a five times increase in the number of inquiries and briefs from advertisers to engage users. HMG owns platforms that produce comedy content like SGEEK, SGAG in Singapore, MGAG in Malaysia and PGAG in the Philippines. SGAG, MGAG and PGAG are a name Read full story › Source: The Drum...

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Advertising in gaming and TV: similarities and differentiators

on May 1, 2020

By Itamar Benedy TV advertising, once the primary way for brands to connect with young audiences, is on the decline. Only 33% of Gen Z watches TV, and just over half of millennials have a cable or satellite TV subscription. And, while these generations may opt for streaming services over traditional TV, there’s a telling sign that another channel is moving up in the advertising world – video games. Recently, Netflix’s chief executive officer admitted that when it comes to vying for screen time, video gaming, not other streaming services is its biggest competitor. To put the audience size in perspective, Netflix has 167 Read full story › Source: The Drum...

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Why your website is more important than ever

on May 1, 2020

By Jenny Stanley “I just don’t have the time,” or “now isn’t a good time for me.” These are just some of the responses that we are guilty of coming up with when we are thinking about making changes. A re-brand? No time. New content? Not just now, thanks. Website? We’ve got one, and we’ve got more than enough on our plates. These things must be reconsidered, as we know that companies have been and will be left behind if they don’t continue to adapt and evolve what is ultimately the shop front to their company. It is important to always strive to keep Read full story › Source: The Drum...

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Amazon’s ad revenue defies coronavirus crunch with 40% boost to $3.9bn

on May 1, 2020

By Rebecca Stewart Many ad companies and traditional media owners are braced for painful contractions as coronavirus brings marketing spend to a halt. However, Amazon’s ad business has emerged as a bright spot in the company’s Q1 financial update despite belt-tightening from brands in other areas. The e-commerce giant disclosed on Thursday (30 April) that its ‘other’ division (which chiefly comprises revenues from its advertising arm) had seen a gain of 44% over the past three months to reach $3.9bn. Though Amazon doesn’t break out its ad revenue figures, chief financial officer Brian Olsavsky told investors that the Q1 ad growth rate was in Read full story › Source: The Drum...

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