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Phone-hacking trial: A call, a resignation and a frenzy

on Mar 28, 2014 | 0 comments

By James Doleman

  • Couple’s “paranoia” extended to security staff
  • James Murdoch asked Charlie Brooks to tell his wife she had to resign
  • Rebekah Brooks said “thank goodness for that” when told she had to resign
  • Police “thrown into a frenzy” by Brooks’ resignation

Court resumed this afternoon to hear further evidence from Charlie Brooks in his defence against a single charge of conspiring to pervert the course of justice. The prosecution allege that Brooks hid documents and electronic devices on 8 July 2011 with the intention of concealing evidence from police investigating his wife Rebekah Brooks’ involvement in phone hacking while editor of the now-defunct News of Read full story ›

Source: The Drum