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Avast researchers spoof Wi-Fi and hack RNC attendees to prove a point about cyber security

on Jul 20, 2016 | 0 comments

By John McCarthy

Researchers at Avast cyber security company have exposed the dangers of connecting to public Wi-Fi locations, by perpetrating a stunt at the Republican National Convention.

Offering free internet access at the convention using fake Wi-Fi networks such as “Google Starbucks”, “Xfinitywifi”, “Attwifi”, “I vote Trump! free Internet” and “I vote Hillary! free Internet”, the company gained access to, it says, the personal details of more than a thousand attendees.

A statement from the company claims that it gained the ability to spy on attendees while they “checked their emails, banked online, used chat and dating apps, and even while they accessed Pokemon Read full story ›

Source: The Drum