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Elvis and Marilyn Monroe star in digital-led Coke ads celebrating 100 years of its contour bottle

on Feb 27, 2015 | 0 comments

By Mindi Chahal

cc100_ooh_heritage_elvis_landscape_web  - under embargo 2nd March

At a launch event in Atlanta, Georgia Coca-Cola announced plans for a global campaign featuring iconic figures such as Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and Ray Charles celebrating its iconic contour bottle, which turns 100 this year.

Katie Bayne, senior vice president of global sparkling brands at Coca-Cola said: “When we come up with our marketing planning we ask ‘are we really thinking digital?’, not as an after thought but as the centre. With our major media campaigns, it will always have a digital backbone.”

A social media campaign was rolled out globally last night (26 February) asking consumers to submit a ‘what’s Read full story ›

Source: Marketing Week