Marketing, E-commerce and Digital Design, Product Management, Brand Development, Design, Advertising and Consultancy

'It'd be silly to overlook virtual and augmented reality,' TMW Unlimited's Laurier Nicas Adler on why we're one step away from more immersive experiences

on Jul 21, 2016 | 0 comments

By Gillian West

Facebook live revamp

From live-streaming to Snapchat and near-constant Facebook algorithm changes what’s a marketer to do when it comes to navigating the rapidly changing world of social media?

As the deadline for this year’s Social Buzz Awards approaches, The Drum has approached to some of the best and brightest minds in the industry – who just so happen to be judging this year’s awards – for advice.

Last week we spoke to Sony’s UK digital and community manager, Hollie Bennett, who advised that brands shouldn’t fear being ‘left behind‘, next up is Laurier ‘Lo’ Nicas Alder, head of social at TMW Unlimited Read full story ›

Source: The Drum