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The Beeb waves bye bye to Clarkson with the BBC to forge ahead with Top Gear despite 'big challenge'

on Mar 25, 2015 | 0 comments

By John McCarthy

The BBC will not renew Jeremy Clarkson’s contract in response to the conclusion of the ‘fracas’ investigation.

The BBC 2 programme, which brings an average of five million viewers and 350m across the globe, will have to continue without Clarkson, whose contract will not be renewed.

The Telegraph reported that the Clarkson abused Top Gear producer Oisin Tymon for “20 minutes” before engaging in a “30 second physical assault”. Over two weeks after the ‘fracas’ occurred, BBC director general, Lord Hall has confirmed the conclusion of Clarkson’s contract..

The publication quoted a source close to the investigation saying: “There can’t be one rule Read full story ›

Source: The Drum