By Stephen Lepitak One of the few certainties in marketing is that at some point in your career as a brand marketer you will need the ideas and creativity of agencies to enhance your brand, acquire new customers or keep those you have. It’s bread and butter stuff, but it’s rarely obvious who the ideal agency partner should be. This subject will confront every brand marketer at some point in their career. The agency appointment decision might be the single most important one that you’ll make on a number of levels. Read full story › Source: The Drum...
Read MoreBy Noel Young From his temporary home in Moscow, Edward Snowden, who leaked details of massive US intelligence-gathering programmes, has said in a US TV interview that he “was trained as a spy.” He worked undercover overseas for US government agencies, he told Brian Williams of “NBC Nightly News”. Last night In an advance excerpt of his interview , Snowden rejected comments by critics that he was a low-level analyst. “Well, it’s no secret that the US tends to get more and better intelligence out of computers nowadays than they do out of people,” “I was trained as a spy in sort Read full story › Source: The Drum...
Read MoreBy Noel Young From his temporary home in Moscow, Edward Snowden, who leaked details of massive US intelligence-gathering programmes, has said in a US TV interview that he “was trained as a spy.” He worked undercover overseas for US government agencies, he told Brian Williams of “NBC Nightly News”. In an advance excerpt of his interview last night , Snowden rejected comments by critics that he was a low-level analyst. “Well, it’s no secret that the US tends to get more and better intelligence out of computers nowadays than they do out of people,” “I was trained as a spy in sort Read full story › Source: The Drum...
Read MoreTV ad which showed men placing a mobile bet after seeing an attractive female jockey banned. Read full story › Source: Marketing Week...
Read MoreTV ad which showed men placing a mobile bet after seeing an attractive female jockey banned. Read full story › Source: Marketing Week...
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