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Boris Johnson called out as a ‘pathological liar’ on way to EU debate as part of Don’t Panic’s ‘The Revolution Will Be Televised’ special

on Jul 18, 2016 | 0 comments

By Jessica Goodfellow

Joe Wade, the managing director of creative agency Don’t Panic, has co-created a TV special for BBC Two riding off the back of the Brexit conversation which sees caricatural characters poking fun at politicians in the build up to the EU vote.

The programme, ‘The Revolution Will Be Televised, Brexageddon?!’ charts the highs and lows of both the Remain and Leave Campaign in the run up to the election via archive footage, with comedy characters Heydon Prowse and Jolyon Rubinstein interacting with the politicians directly.

This includes from the Leave side newly-appointed foreign secretary Boris Johnson and former Read full story ›

Source: The Drum