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’Tis the season for (sigh) Christmas copywriting

on Nov 23, 2016 | 0 comments

By Andrew Boulton

Now, if you’re a copywriter with any shred of self-respect there should be no way you’ve made it past that headline. (Which, on reflection, is probably not the most sensible way to prove my point.)

Anyway, for those of you remaining, it can’t have escaped your notice that Christmas has plunged its frosty thumbs into our eyeballs – eyeballs that have only recently been cleansed of scooped pumpkin flesh and bonfire ash.

And amongst the flickering, shimmering hoo-ha, most copywriters I know regard Christmas as, professionally at least, a rather discouraging time.

Christmas, for not entirely convincing reasons, seems Read full story ›

Source: The Drum