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Stop writing and learn to be a better writer

on Feb 27, 2018 | 0 comments

By Andy Maslen

A woman walks up to a construction worker in Manhattan.

“Excuse me young man,” she says. “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?”

He puts his pickaxe down and wipes his brow. Finally, he speaks.

“Lady, you gotta practise.”

He’s right. Every skilled, or would-be skilled, tradesperson needs to practise. But what does practise mean? For copywriters, specifically? It might seem obvious. You write. As much and as often as you can.

Ads. Blog posts. Emails. Landing pages. Scripts. Sales letters.

The more you write, the better you get. Right? Wrong.

Suppose, for a moment, you were not a copywriter, but a carpenter. Thing is, you haven’t Read full story ›

Source: The Drum