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Phone-hacking trial: 'Police and CPS covered up hacking – not Andy Coulson', jury hears

on May 28, 2014 | 0 comments

By James Doleman

  • “No special skill needed to intercept voicemails”, court told
  • Clive Goodman “sly, prima dona, and fantasist”, Coulson barrister alleges
  • Former royal correspondent “a surrogate prosecutor”
  • Hacking “covered up by police/CPS not Coulson”, defence say

Proceedings resumed after lunch with Andy Coulson’s barrister, Timothy Langdale QC, continuing his closing address to the jury. Counsel continued where he left off this morning by asking the jury to examine the evidence of prosecution witness Dan Evans, who testified that he played a recording of a hacked voicemail to Andy Coulson in 2004. Before he began, however, the barrister told the jury he was withdrawing his earlier point Read full story ›

Source: The Drum