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It might be boring, but a SPO or DPO strategy is something you can control right now

on Apr 27, 2020 | 0 comments

By Cadi Jones

The biggest change you can make as a media seller or buyer, is not necessarily the most glamorous.

Supply path optimisation (SPO) and its cousin, demand path optimisation (DPO) had a bit of a moment in the calm before the cookiepocalypse storm, but have subsequently not been getting the time or energy they deserve. In a recent event that Beeswax and Rubicon Project jointly hosted, only around 20% of the attendees had an active SPO or DPO strategy.

Firstly, let’s start with a brief definition of what we’re talking about here:

Originally when adopting programmatic advertising, a publishers would work with one single Read full story ›

Source: The Drum