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Snickers and 7/11 team up for interactive 'Hungerithm' Twitter campaign

on May 24, 2016 | 0 comments

By Rebecca Stewart

snickers angry campaign

Snickers has teamed up with 7/11 for an interactive campaign which sees prices of the brand’s flagship chocolate bar lower when the internet gets angry.

Literally feeding on the rage of Twitter users, the confectionery maker has teamed up with the Melbourne Institute of Technology to create the ‘Hungerithm’ algorithm; which tracks the mood of online commentators and changes the price of a Snickers accordingly.

The website coincides with the brand’s wider, ‘You’re Not You When You’re Hungry’ campaign.

Monitoring negative sentiment on Twitter, the website scans 100,000 social posts a week and updates the price 144 times daily. The Read full story ›

Source: The Drum