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Snickers spoofs in-flight chaos ahead of the summer tourism season

on Apr 22, 2024 | 0 comments

By Audrey Kemp

Buckle up, stow your tray table and brace for laughter, as Snickers’ ‘Hungry Skies’ commercial showcases the antics of passengers at 30,000 feet.

Ah, the familiar woes of economy class travel, whether it’s enduring a neighbor’s movie blaring through their phone speakers, waiting for the symphony of a crying baby to end, or contending with a fellow passenger’s stretching routine that seems determined to encroach upon your personal space.

Tackling the out-of-pocket behavior of some flight passengers, Snickers, Mars Inc.’s beloved chocolate bar, has unleashed its latest campaign, ‘Hungry Skies.’

The 45-second ad takes viewers on a turbulent in-flight journey like no other. Read full story ›

Source: The Drum