Marketing, E-commerce and Digital Design, Product Management, Brand Development, Design, Advertising and Consultancy

Why innovation should power the Marketer’s 2021 planning

on Nov 25, 2020 | 0 comments

By Charlotte McEleny

salesforce, graph, growth, table

While businesses across Asia continue to navigate this challenging period, it’s important for them to see the changing needs of their customers as opportunities to thrive and emerge from this pandemic stronger.

Salesforce’s sixth edition of the ‘State of Marketing’ report dives into the Marketing trends that will drive clarity in decision-making as marketers look to answer the question: what’s next?

The findings of the 2020 report highlight strategic priorities, challenges, and technologies that will transform the marketing industry. The top three Marketing priorities in the Asia Pacific region include innovating, improving the use of tools and technologies, and engaging with Read full story ›

Source: The Drum