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Diageo procurement boss: ‘Agencies continue to be vital to brands, and here’s why...’

on Oct 21, 2020 | 0 comments

By Janelle Orozco

As part of this week’s Agencies4Growth Festival, we’ve asked some of the brightest minds in marketing why agencies matter today. Here, Janelle Orozco, Diageo’s chief procurement officer, tells us why her brand so values its agency relationships.

In a world where elements of work previously done by agencies are being brought in-house and transparency is still being debated, some think the role of an agency has become less relevant. Do they still matter to brands and companies? The short answer is ‘yes‘. The obvious next question is ‘why?‘

Talent, skills and truth-telling

As brands seek to navigate more and more complex challenges, Read full story ›

Source: The Drum